"Dedicated to Providing the Highest Level of Public Safety Services to our Community"
Benton County Fire District #1
Volunteers Needed!  Click here to apply.

Fire Chief

P. Scott LoParco


Phone: (509) 737-0911 Ext.1116 



I am pleased to welcome you to the Benton County Fire District #1 website; a valuable resource for the citizens and men and women who serve the Fire District in Benton County, Washington. We value the history and tradition of Fire District #1, an organization built on the proud shoulders of our past leadership, firefighters, and staff. This website endeavors to capture some of that history, as well as to serve as a contemporary means of communication with the community and with our members. The business of a modern Fire District is complex and full of challenges. It is essential that our community members are well informed about and understand the organization that provides their fire, rescue, and EMS response. The Fire District works closely with other fire agencies, organizations, and jurisdictions in order to provide the best emergency service possible. We are an integral part of a strong, expansive emergency service network in our region. As a visitor to our website, you will find information pertaining to the Fire District, our service, our members, and our incidents, projects, and committee work. You will notice that we are involved in many collaborative programs that extend beyond the Fire District, as we utilize cooperative relationships to improve training, response capabilities, and financial efficiencies. We take the trust our community has in us very seriously and continuously strive to make it a safer place to live, work, play, and visit. The men and women of Benton County Fire District #1 are committed to providing the best possible EMS and Fire Service to our residents and visitors, responsibly and professionally.