1. | Call to Order |
2. | Additions to the Agenda |
3. | Correspondence |
4. | Approval of Minutes |
5. | Financial Report |
a. | Expenditure Transaction Details |
b. | Revenue and Expenditure Budget Report |
6. | Reports |
7. | Old Business |
8. | New Business |
9. | Public Comment |
10. | Executive Session |
11. | Announcements |
12. | Adjournment |
Administrative Office: (509) 737-0911
Fire Training Center: (509) 586-7931
Maintenance Facility: (509) 734-9200
Agricultural Burn Line: (509) 783-6570
Residential Burn Line: (509) 783-6198
Benton Clean Air Agency: (509) 783-1304
Small Works Roster Application